
Showing posts from December, 2017

Another Cool DIY Blog!

C.R.A.F.T: A Cool DIY Blog for Everyone!! You Should Really Check This Blog Out! Hi again!! As I mentioned in my post from earlier this month, " Blogs I Like," I said that I would make posts about my favorite blogs that I think you would like. Well, C.R.A.F.T , a DIY blog, is great! I love their recent Reindeer Nose Gift Jars craft, and I think that you will like it too! Please check out that blog and be on the lookout for more blogs that I like :) Yours Truly, Coral Hawaii :)!! DIY from All Over the World

Two Simple ways to do Henna!

Two Simple ways to do Henna! Hello Again Friends!! Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah!  Today I want to share my two simple ways to achieve your own Henna! Henna is the delicate patterns on skin made from the temporary substance from a plant called Lawsonia inermis. It is generally used in Indian cultural weddings and special events, but is also just used as an elegant temporary tattoo.  Concept 1) You will need- - food coloring - school glue - ink-less pen or fine tipped paintbrush First, mix some school glue with your food coloring of choice, or traditionally, black or red. You may want to add a slightly large amount of food coloring if you want the Henna to be very potent and bright.  Secondly, apply some of the colored glue to your hand in a pattern to your liking. If you are not good at freehand drawing or want inspiration for your design, you can find images of already done Henna. Draw a delicate or bigger pattern on your hand by maki...

Cool Painters Tape Ideas You NEED to try!

Cool painters tape ideas you NEED to try! Today my friend and I tried a project using washi tape and painters tape! It turned out really good, and therefore I decided to share it with you! - Tape Pictures For this project, you will need a canvas or paper, paint, a circular dotting sponge brush, paints of choice, and your tape. First, tape sections of your canvas down. Then, dip your circle sponge brush into one of your paints. Dot around in one of the sections and fill it up. It's okay to get paint on the tape, because in the end we will be taking this off! Then, when done painting the sections, peel of the tape to reveal beautiful colorful boxes! Thanks for reading this! It was so much fun! If you liked this, comment and like :) Love,  Coral Hawaii

DIY Bath Bombs!

DIY Bath Bombs! Who else has seen a lot of bath bombs in store this holiday season? I have found a simple recipe for an amazing do-it-yourself  mixture that works as a great gift for people this holiday! Check it out! You will need- -1 cup of Corn Starch - 1/2 cup of Baking Soda - 1/2 cup of Epsom Salt -1/2 cup of Citric Acid or Lemon Juice -Food Coloring -bowls -spoons -ice cube molds First, mix 1 cup of Corn Starch, 1/2 cup of Baking Soda, 1/2 cup of Epsom Salt, and your 1/2 cup of Citric Acid or Lemon Juice. Mix this together until it is all incorporated. Once this is all together, separate into several bowls and color them with the food coloring. Spoon these colors into the ice cube molds  to create colorful layers. Freeze the mixture in the ice cube molds and pop out when done hardened. Drop the bath bombs into your bath for a colorful explosion of colors! Enjoy! Love Coral Hawaii :)

Cute Sock Cactus Diy!

C u t e S o c k C a c t u s D I Y Cacti is taking over the modern world! They are so cute and natural and they match in any room. Since this craze is so popular, I've decided to make a Cute Cactus DIY for you guys!  You will need- - Scissors  -Thread  -Green Sock  -Garden Pot or container  -Rice, Foam Beads, or Popcorn kernals  -(Optional) Cup or Glass -(Optional) Googly Eyes -(Optional) Glue Step One- Take your Cup or Glass and fill it with Rice, Foam Beads, or the Popcorn Kernals.  Step Two- Take your Green Sock and put it over the mouth of the cup. Tip the fillings of the cup into the sock. When this is done, cut a piece of thread and use it to tie the sock at the end so no contents come out. Step Three- Use you scissors to cut excess of the sock.  Fit the sock into the pot.  Step Four (Optional)- Glue Googly Eyes on your sock. It should look something like this when you're done :...

How to Make a Scratch Card!

H o w To Make A Scratch Card! Can you imagine making your own scratch card!? Well I found a quick and easy way to achieve this! Just follow some simple steps for a great gift or present for someone! Step One- Put some acrylic paint in a cup. Add some dish washing detergent to the acrylic paint. Don't add too much! Mix this around till evenly distributed.  Step Two- Next, you will want to get a piece of watercolor paper or cardstock paper. Draw an empty shape such as a heart, square, or circle. Take a Sharpie and write something inside each shape. Step Three- Take a candle, white crayon, or any form of wax and color all over the shape and writing.  Step Four- Use our already made detergent-paint and use the paintbrush to paint over the writing and the wax. Step Five- Wait till all your painted shapes are dry. Give this to your friend or family member as an awesome present! To scratch it of, you can use a toothpick, coin, or your na...

How to make Pom-Poms and more DIYS!

How to Make Pom-Poms and more DIY's! I have always loved Pom-Poms, but I had never found a quick, stylish, and easy way to do it, until now. It's quick and simple and only requires scissors and yarn.  Step One-  Cut a small piece of yarn that is long enough to fit around a tennis ball Step Two-  Hold your hand out and wrap the yarn around it 100 times or so (This will make a medium sized Pom-Pom, so vary your wraps depending on the size you want) This may seem tedious, but it is actually quick Step Three-  Slip the yarn wraps odd your hand and tie it in the middle using your previously cut piece of yarn Step Four-  Trim the Pom-Pom to your desired size using the scissors. To do this as neat as possible, put one blade of the scissors in the loop of the yarn and pull up as much as you can. Snip and repeat till each loop is cut. Your Pom-Pom is done! This was a simple and quick DIY, and you can use it by putting it on a ...

Blogs I Like!

B l o g s I L i k e ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Over the time I am on this blog, I will be posting links to some other blogs that I like. Please feel free to comment some other good blogs. I like reading other's blogs as well! This is my first one- It is called A Beautiful Mess. This blog is awesome! It contains amazing reads about home decor, crafts, food, and style A Beautiful Mess

MASH The Sleepover Game Takeover!

M A S H   T A K E O V E R Whether you're a Girly-Girl or Tomboy, Athlete or Mathlete, this game is awesome for a day with friends! MASH, which stands for Mansion, Apartment, Shack and House, is a game of luck and laughter. You can make categories such as job, pet and car. You start by creating a couple categories of good and bad choices. Your Materials- - Paper - Pen(cil) Your layout should look something like this--  ** You can make this with as many questions and choices as you want! (Just note that the game needs to have MASH as a question** MASH 1) Car            3) Pet a. Porsche      a. Caterpiller b. Pickup        b. Horse c. Tractor        c. Cat d. BMW          d. Shrimp 2) Job             4) BFF a. Janitor         a. Taylor Swift b. Artist   ...

Welcome to CoralStyle

Welcome to CoralStyle!  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  I am Coral Hawaii and I am so excited to be sharing all my ideas and theories with you! This blog is for fashion, sports, books, games, lifehacks, and DIY's.  We will have tons of fun here! There will be luck and laughter and many other things. I am looking forward to growing this blog with all of you!! Please comment what you want me to blog and don't be afraid to give me suggestions!