
Showing posts from May, 2018

How To Create A Popular Blog-

How To Create A Popular Blog- I think that all bloggers can agree that getting traffic is a struggle. Despite what some think, blogging is hard.  Sometimes, getting page views is an easy task. If you're Beyonce I have a feeling that you are not Queen B. (But if so, please tell me!!) Anyway, by following the simple steps I used, hopefully you can start a successful blog! STEP 1) Make Your Own Style    A unique blog draws readers away the boring, common kinds. By referring to unique content that suits your style, you will end up with more views than with your everyday blog. STEP 2) Easy to Find URL  This one is pretty self-explanatory. Making an accessible blog URL can greatly increase your pageveiws. I understand that I do not necessarily have this. Even if you are not willing to pay the money for your own thing, make sure your URL does not contain numbers. STEP 3) Search Terms Make sure to include good search terms in your post. They sho...