Stuck Inside? Snowday Indoor Activities!

Stuck Inside? Snowday Indoor Activities! Hi guys! I was going to post a valentines day gift guide, but it's a little late now... Instead, I am doing an indoor activity idea post! These include DIY's are an air dry clay DIY, a puffy paint DIY, and a kinnetic sand replacement. Enjoy! BTW- Here is another amazing blog! I might mention, this blogger is my dad! He makes me awesome paintings every week in my lunchbox for school! Here is a link. Be sure to visit it!!!! Link: Puffy Paint DIY Materials: - 1 cup Paint Color of Choice - 1/2 Shaving Cream How to Make It: In a small disposable bowl, pour about 1 cup of your paint of choice. Squirt about 1/2 of a cup of shaving cream. Mix together with a plastic spoon or popsicle stick till it is evenly mixed into a puffy paint. You're done! Air Dry Clay DIY ...